Randolph-forward/ 張心睿
自創品牌名為Randolph,車系名為forward 。
Randolph 源自日耳曼語,是德語區與英語區普遍能見的名字,其背後的含義是由兩項元素,「狼」與「盾」所組成,意即保護者。車系名forward 則有前進、向前、迎向未來的意思。
以車頭論,可觀察到其融入了盾型與護衛的意象,也將野狼敏捷、頭鼻俐落、眼眉尖利的意涵帶入進頭燈的設計,使前頭的造型更獨樹一格,也使語意更符合品牌特色。論車尾,可察覺其尾燈的設計,整體延伸到了後輪拱的中央,目的是為了提升整體對於forward 的詮釋,也增加造型上速度流線的特色。而從車側來看,其輪拱附近設計了少許的垂直的線條,使保護者的意味更加濃厚;此不僅提升了整體造型的穩定,也使此車的設計特徵與其他品牌產生差異。
The position of the car is coupe, and the year setting is 2027. Due to the future trends and the policies of the world, I set my mode as a level 3 autonomous electric car.
Concept :
German and English: classicized spelling of Randolf, a Germanic personal name composed of the elements rand “rim”, “shield”+ wolf, “wolf”. It’s mostly meant as a protector.
Advance, onward, to the future.
The project is composed of two elements, shields and wolves, as stated above, and its design is based on the main core, “forward”.
It includes some features to make the form more appropriate to the elements, like the large surface area in front and the sharp curve that profile the headlights. At the back portion of the tail lights, it extends to the mid front of the wheel arch. It’s a reason to increase the sense of speed above the whole form and to fasten in the word , “forward”.Also one of the main features, there are some vertical lines near the arches. It’s in order to make the imagery of “protectors “ more stronger and make the style more steady. Besides,the lines could identify differently from other cars.
Functional features :
There are two parts of gradient light pattern, one is on the transparent roof,and another is in front of the car. When environment gets dark, the roof light will glow and let interior brighter.Even driving at night, users could enjoy the atmosphere as a person sitting under the stars. Of course, it could be turned off if this case involves safety.
The function of the front, it glows while users opening the door. It’s in order to tell the users whether the car is opened. In addition, during the drive, the lights will follow the direction and generate a gradual source to notify the pedestrians where the car will direct.