藝 í-á /施彥丞


藝 í-á 是一張以藺草為材質、苑裡在地文化為造型的椅子。

最初是以「探討椅子本質」為出發點,椅子的本質為「息」,而在看似遙遠的從前,人們就地鋪上草蓆休息,因此想將 「息」 與 「蓆」結合。

藝 í-á 更衍生出了「惜」 與 「襲」 的概念:珍惜樸實的草根精神及淵遠留長的傳統文化並且承襲藺編工藝。透過坐與做的交織,感受在地的風情與溫度,並且將歷史的痕跡與記憶帶到現在,讓更多人看見傳統工藝之美。

藝 í-á is a chair using rush as material and featuring famous straw hat in Yuanli as frame. At first, I found that "rest" is the most important function of chairs and the way our ancestors resting is to put straw mat on the floor. Therefore, I want to integrate "rest" and "rest in the past" together.

Not only past and now, 藝 í-á extend the concepts with "treasure"and "inherit" : "treasure" the hardworking spirit of grass roots and "inherit" the rush weaving tradition spreading for several centuries.

Through sitting and hand-made crafts, we can feel the warmness and culture in Yuanli, and make more people see the beauty of rush weaving.




ludwig Lin