ETHEREAL 4.0是一台專為女性設計的未來都會型擋車,研究發現九成以上女性選購擋車的首要條件都是著地性,但若選擇了著地性高的擋車就失去了騎擋車才有的優雅姿勢,因此設計了這台擋車,座椅高度會隨騎乘速度而升降。另外擋車的置物空間也是許多人的痛點,因此設計車體中央有簍空,不僅讓量體更顯輕盈,也可以掛全罩式安全帽等個人物品。
ETHEREAL 4.0 is a metropolitan motorcycle which is designed for female. The research shows that over 90% of female choose the motorcycle based on whether they could land easily or not. However, choosing the one that can easily land will lose the graceful posture which only occurs when riding motorcycle. Consequently I designed the ETHEREAL 4.0. Its seat will rise and fall according to riding speed. In addition, the space of storage is also the problem that many people care. Thus there is a big cutout in the middle of the motorcycle. It can not only hangs the full-face helmet but also make the whole appearance slimmer.
This is a future concept motorcycle using electricity. Besides, the hinge of front uses telescopical rubber, making it possible to keep the surface completely. The whole appearance has few exposed components. As a result of making it meets the beauty of ethereal and grace of female.