ULTRA iNSTINCT是一款為喜愛城市旅遊的車友所打造的電動機車,因為電車 的優勢讓機車內部能有空間可以置放行李,讓車友可以更隨心所欲的踏上旅程 ,另外,傳統的機車因為結構外露導致泥沙噴濺時難以清洗,故將車體結構用 車殼包起來,並在正面與側邊開出入風口,不影響空氣流動及散熱的問題,也 可以藉此展現出簡單又不失細節的生活品味。 整體造型以幾何塊體作為基礎,先切割做出速度感再使用流線做細緻點綴,搭 配華麗燈光效果,展現簡潔有力的科技美學,配色使用白、橙、深灰三色來展 現無畏懼、勇往直前的生活態度。
ULTRA iNSTINCT is an electric motorcycle designed for riders who love city travel. Because of the advantages of electric motorcycle, there is space inside the motorcycle to store luggage, so that riders can embark on a journey more freely. Besides, the traditional motorcycle structure is difficult to clean when the sand is splashed. To slove this problems, the structure is wrapped with the shell, and open air vents on the front and sides to improve the problems of air flow and heat dissipation. It can also show a simple but luxurious lifestyle. The main shape is based on geometric shapes, making a sense of speed and using streamlines for detailed embellishment. In addition, use gorgeous lighting effects to show powerful technological aesthetics, and the colors use white, orange and dark gray to show a fearless and courageous attitude towards life.